
The difference between Cisco C9300-48U-A vs C9300-48U-E

The difference between Cisco C9300-48U-A vs C9300-48U-E

What is the difference between firmware for the cisco c9300-48U-A and the c9300-48U-E?

Network Essentials vs Advantage. They will both run the exact same IOS-XE images.
The license will enable or not enable specific capabilities within the image.

The 48UA will run the full Advantage feature set, while the 48UE will only enable the Essential features. It's a licensing trick.

-A is Advantage
-E is Essentials

A = Layer 3, E = Layer 2.

For more information:  visit Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series Ordering Guide

Things to know

Before placing an order, please review the following:

      The Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series offer structure has three main components: the switch hardware, a Network stack perpetual license, and choice between a Cisco DNA, Cisco Catalyst or Meraki Software subscription license.

      The software subscription licenses, and Network Stack perpetual licenses are smart product IDs (SKUs). The Cisco Catalyst and Cisco DNA subscription license, which comes with a perpetual license, is required with a hardware purchase. For Catalyst 9300 models ordered with a Meraki SKU, the term license is ordered separately but is required to be recognized in Meraki Dashboard.

      A Smart Account is mandated during purchase (for more information, please see the Smart Accounts section).

      Available service options:

    Solution support

    Enhanced Limited Lifetime Warranty (E-LLW)

    Smart Net Total Care support

    Success Tracks

    Included base product-level support

Common terminology

      Network Stack: NW

      Cisco Digital Network Architecture: DNA

      Cisco Catalyst Software subscription: DNX

      Essentials: -E

      Advantage: -A

      Smart Account: SA

      Smart License: SL

Purpose of this document

This document is aimed at providing a detailed overview of the ordering process for Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series switches on Cisco Commerce Workspace.

Hardware and software order overview

Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series switches can be ordered through Cisco Commerce Workspace as a Cisco Catalyst, or Cisco DNA Essentials or Advantage or a Meraki Enterprise or Advanced subscription. Cisco Catalyst and Cisco DNA options include switch hardware coupled with Cisco IOS and the Network Stack software.

How to order a Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series switch

Both Network Stack licenses and Cisco DNA or Catalyst software subscription licenses are mandatory at the time of purchase and come in two licensing tier options: Advantage and Essentials. The Network Stack licenses, Network Advantage or Network Essentials is included with the hardware, while a Cisco DNA or Catalyst software subscription term license needs to be selected at the time of order.

To order in the Cisco Commerce Workspace, follow these steps:

1.     Select the appropriate Network Stack license type -A, -E or -M

2.     Choose the preferred consumption model

3.     Choose the Cisco Catalyst, Cisco DNA or Meraki Software subscription term license (3, 5 or 7 years for Catalyst and Cisco DNA; 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 years for Meraki).

4.     Add other components (for example: secondary power supply, power cables, etc).

Step-by-Step Ordering in Cisco Commerce Workspace


Mar 10th 2025

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