How To Build A Hybrid Cloud Part 4
In covering what is needed to build a hybrid cloud, so far we’ve looked at the importance of building an overall strategy before choosing products; defining business outcomes and goals; and defining capabilities and service portfolios. Now it’s time to choose delivery models.
After you have clearly identified what service capabilities you need, you can start thinking which delivery model would be best for each of those services. That’s true whether you want to build them yourself o
Dec 23rd 2022
OWASP Top 10 Security Risks – Part II
The OWASP Top 10 list consists of the 10 most seen application vulnerabilities:
InjectionBroken AuthenticationSensitive data exposureXML External Entities (XXE)Broken Access controlSecurity misconfigurationsCross-Site Scripting (XSS)Insecure DeserializationUsing Components with known vulnerabilitiesInsufficient logging and monitoringToday, we are going to explore items 3 and 4: sensitive data exposure and XML External Entities (XXE).3. Sensitive Data ExposureSensitive data exposure is one of
Dec 23rd 2022
OWASP Top 10 Security Risks – Part I
OWASP stands for the Open Web Application Security Project, an online community that produces articles, methodologies, documentation, tools, and technologies in the field of web application security.OWASP Top 10 is the list of the 10 most seen application vulnerabilities. It also shows their risks, impacts, and countermeasures. Updated every three to four years, the latest release has been released this year. Let’s dive into it!The Top 10 OWASP vulnerabilities are:
InjectionBroken Authentica
Dec 23rd 2022
How To Build A Hybrid Cloud Part 5
In this series, we’ve looked at what it takes to create a hybrid cloud: developing a strategy for IT and business; defining business outcomes and a service portfolio; and choosing a delivery model. And yet sometimes the task remains daunting, especially for companies that have sufficient internal expertise or experience. In these cases, they should consider launching their project with a trusted partner.
For example, when developing an overarching strategy for hybrid cloud, you can
Dec 23rd 2022
How To Build A Hybrid Cloud Part 4
In covering what is needed to build a hybrid cloud, so far we’ve looked at the importance of building an overall strategy before choosing products; defining business outcomes and goals; and defining capabilities and service portfolios. Now it’s time to choose delivery models.
After you have clearly identified what service capabilities you need, you can start thinking which delivery model would be best for each of those services. That’s true whether you want to build them yourself o
Dec 23rd 2022